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Friday, November 25, 2011

Extra cash for a few minutes of time a day

Want to earn a little extra cash for very little work? Try a new site called Jingit. All you need is a Facebook account. In the past two weeks, I've applied for my card, earned $10, received and loaded my card. It's legitimate. I wouldn't recommend something without being confident in the product/service. It's possibly the easiest $10 I've ever made. Since it loads automatically, you still have time to earn some extra cash for Christmas! Contact me if you're interested in learning more!


Phil said...

Glad to see a lot of us making some money off of Jingit. Nice blog btw.

Stokes Reagan said...

Thanks so much! The only negative thing about Jingit is that you're limited to $5-10/week. That takes me less than 2 hours and I'm willing to invest a lot more time into it. But that's a very small negative!