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Sunday, April 29, 2012

One For the Money, Two For the Show

First off, let me say that I am wholeheartedly against Amendment One. And this does not have as much to do with my support of gay rights as it does with my support of human rights. Gay marriage is already banned in North Carolina. This bill, if passed into law, would make marriage the only domestic legal union recognized in North Carolina. That is not restricted to gay couples, but also straight couples. That means if a woman has a restraining order against an ex-boyfriend, the restraining order could be removed due to it not being a recognized domestic union. Please go read the amendment before you vote. You can vote early from now until May 5th. Polls will be open on May 8. Please do not vote ignorantly on this issue. It does not affect only gay people. 

My new tablet was delivered earlier this week, along with Patrick's new Light It Up Blue Fuzzibunz diaper. Fuzzibuzz donated $1 from the cost of the diaper to Autism Speaks. The picture below was taken with my tablet's back camera. Patrick's rocking his new Meadow Green Blueberry diaper. Jonny has enjoyed playing with my new tablet, especially Draw Something. If you're playing a Draw Something game with me, you're probably not playing with me. It's probably Jonny.

We went to the lake this afternoon for a cousin's birthday. Patrick hung out on the deck with the adults while Austin played with his cousins in the yard. Unfortunately, after his cousins left Austin decided to play by himself. He threw a rotten egg to see what would happen. What happens, you might ask? The egg explodes all over the person throwing the egg and it smells awful. On the way to the van to leave, Austin also found a baby bird that had left the nest. He decided he needed to spray it with water. Apparently, the bird wanted him to. 

Patrick is growing so fast! He's starting to really enjoy his Exersaucer, especially when Austin is playing with him. It's rather convenient since he can sit in the Exersaucer while I'm cooking. It's hard to believe that less than four months ago this little guy was happy just laying on his daddy's shoulder, sleeping. 

If you're apprehensive about joining Jingit, what are you waiting for? The weekly limit reset today and I hit my $12 weekly limit this afternoon in about half an hour. That's $24/hour. Can you not spare a half an hour, while you're doing other things, to watch a few videos for a few bucks? Depending on your vehicle, you could make enough to pay for a full tank of gas every month. 

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