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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Crazy About Cloth? Maybe.

Patrick is consistently sleeping eleven hours straight at night now. His parents really appreciate it, especially his mommy. If you were this cute while you slept, you'd probably sleep all the time too.

I finally received the gDiapers and got them prewashed and tried them out. They don't work for overnights, but then most diapers would be stretched at eleven hours (we still haven't found anything that works better than Swaddlebees and Blueberry pockets for overnights). The gDiapers are cute, absorbent, well-fitting, and convenient. They're easy to use than the prefolds and covers but you can get more use out of them than the pocket. My biggest complaint is that they are secured in the back. It's a little difficult to turn a wiggly baby over to fasten the diaper. I will attempt to turn the diaper around and see if it works that way. Overall, I like the gDiapers. I cashed in at Swagbucks for four $5 Walmart gift cards this week for the express purpose of purchasing more gDiapers.

I also had a chance to prewash and test out the new Fuzzibunz pocket this week and I have to say, I love it. First off, Fuzzibunz donates $1 from the sale of this color-Light It Up Blue-to Autism Speaks. No, they didn't add $1 to the cost of the diaper. It comes out of their profit. Second, it's less bulky than other pockets, including the Swaddlebees and Blueberrys I like so much. They're just as absorbent, however. And I really like the color.  

Here's the new play toy Jonny has spent so much time on lately. It's a Lenovo IdeaPad A1. It's an Android-based tablet that I bought on Amazon with money earned from GPT sites. The cover was also purchased with earned Amazon gift cards.

This Saturday will be Jonny's first go at being the sole caregiver for Patrick. A friend is getting married and I'm in the wedding. I trust him to take care of Patrick, that isn't the problem. I'm just not ready to leave him for very long yet. 


Jackie said...

Patrick is so snugable! And don't worry about Saturday. Patrick will be in eye site the entire time. And if you need to take a time out to go get him and hold him and bring him up front with you I completely understand!

Anonymous said...

how much did you pay for your tablet?

Stokes Reagan said...

Jackie-You're the best non-bridezilla ever!

Jacqueline-It was $195 when I bought it last week; it's $193 now.