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Monday, April 23, 2012

A Whole Lotta Nothing

Honestly, there isn't much to blog about today. All I did all day was feed Patrick and change diapers. I had to wash diapers twice today. Yes, twice. He went through two days' worth of diapers in one day. It was exhausting. 

The weather was unseasonably cool today. When I went to get Austin from school, the thermometer said 46 degrees. That's about twenty degrees below normal. I had to actually turn the heat on today.

Here's the cloth diaper of the day: a really cute cow print by Blueberry. I really love this print. I even have an outfit to match. I try to get as many different prints as possible because it's fun! Keep in mind, if you plan on having more children cloth diapers can be used with multiple children. 

Just in case you think my crunchiness ends at cloth diapering, I am planning on making my own baby food. I can't wait to use my blender to turn fresh fruits and vegetables into healthy baby foods. 


Granny said...

LO looks very content laying there. He doesn't seem to mind at all that he went through all those diapers. :) I'm glad to see so many mothers going back to cloth diapers. Sometimes I wonder what kind of chemicals are used to make the disposable diapers. I made baby food for my little ones when they were little. It was so much cheaper than buying baby food.

Jackie said...

I always *said* I was going to make baby food. It didn't happen consistently. Good for you if you do it!

it's the Caffeine said...

I made babyfood for my three youngest. the oldest got the jar stuff *Shrug* it was pretty epic :-)